Kentucky Enacts New Arbitration Law for Employers

On March 25, 2019, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin signed into law a bill that allows Kentucky employers to require arbitration as a condition of employment and continued employment. The law substantively amends the language of two state statutes: KRS § 336.700 and KRS § 417.050. Senate Bill 7 will become effective June 27, 2019 and […]

Non-Compete Agreements in Kentucky

Non-compete agreements in Kentucky. Non-compete agreements are generally not favored by the courts. In fact, some states, like California, have enacted laws which effectively ban the use of non-compete agreements. What does Kentucky law say about non-compete agreements? In an important ruling in 2014, the Kentucky Supreme Court clarified the law on non-competes in a case […]

Kentucky Trade Secrets

Kentucky Trade Secrets All businesses use novel ideas for products or services to gain a competitive edge.  While you may not have a patentable product or process you probably do have recipes, processes, customer information, or ways of conducting your business that have cost you time, money, and sweat equity to develop. Kentucky Trade Secrets  […]

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